First Name
Last Name
2nd Family Member Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Can you tell us a little about what brought you to the League?
What kind of LWV member would you like to be?
A). I’m happy that my membership dues support the LWV and LWV Whidbey, and that is all I have time for. Thanks!
B). I’d like to be a more active member. What can I do?
Select All that Interest you for possible participation and volunteering:
A.) Please keep me informed about member meetings, programs and activities so I can participate when I'm interested
B.) The Events Committee: The Event Committee brainstorms ideas for and plan/runs programs and events on topics of interest to our members and the public, as well as participates in public events such as information tables, voter registration, etc.
C.) The Forum Committee: The forum committee organizes candidate forums to inform residents of Whidbey Island of matters they will need to decide upon in upcoming local, state, and federal elections.
D.) The Media + Communications Committee: The media committe manages the website (hosted by Squarespace), the Facebook page, and the Instagram page as well as designing printed promotional material for LWV Whidbey events. It also manages the newsletter and publicity.
E.) The Youth Voter Project Committee: The Youth Voter Project visits Civics classrooms at Oak Harbor, Coupeville, and South Whidbey School Districts to teach new young voters about the voting process.
F.) TRY Committee: This committee manages our “They Represent You” brochures which includes updating them after each election, selecting a printer, ordering printing and managing distribution around the island.
G.) The Membership Committee: The Membership Committee receives pertinent information from the Treasurer regarding new and renewing members and updates our membership list. The Committee reaches out to new members with info about the League, and updates our local, state, and national databases.
H.) I'm interested in participating as a board member.
Other Interests/Comments
Any Questions for Us?