The LWV Policy Positions

A League Position is the stand of the League on a public issue and serves as the basis for advocacy/action.

Action includes lobbying, legislative testimony, public statements, media campaigns and joining coalitions. A League Position is established after members have studied an issue and achieved consensus on policies and practices that best serve the public interest.

Below are sampling of the current policy positions from the LWV Washington State Program in Action. To view the full list of policy positions, go HERE.


    Action to facilitate changes in the state constitution to achieve a representative and effective state legislature. Action to ensure convenient access to registration and to the ballot. Action to promote an informed electorate. Action to limit methods of financing political campaigns to ensure the public's right to know, combat undue influence, enable candidates to compete more equitably for public office and promote citizen participation in the election process. Action to support access fo citizens to initiate or modify legislation through the initiative and referendum process. Action to protect the interests of all affected parties in considering the formation of new counties. Action to clarify in legislation the processes in county formation and to require that the entire county can vote on separation. Action to allow more options for alternative election systems that promote “representative-ness” such as proportional representation, citizen participation and accountability and a primary that is “open” and encourages minor party participation.


    All levels of government and the private sector share the responsibility to help alleviate the housing shortage in the low income sector. Identifying housing needs and planning to meet these needs is best done at the local level. The state should set minimum standards for safe and decent housing and provide for their enforcement. Policies should be formulated to allow for maximum use of available federal funding as well as encourage the participation of industry, business, local and nonprofit groups in meeting housing needs. The state government should provide information, assistance and coordination for housing programs at all levels.


    Action to support in principle the Basic Education Act (1977) and the Levy Lid Act. Action to obtain a balanced tax structure and to maintain uniform assessment practices to ensure equitable and sufficient financing. Action to support adequate and stable state funding of common schools in Washington including the costs of in-service training. Action to increase visibility, accessibility and accountability of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education. Action to support closer links between schools and social services, so that every child is ready to learn. Action to support greater involvement of parents, an increased role in decision making for teachers, and more flexible state education requirements. Action to provide greater access to public higher education to all, at whatever point in life it can be beneficial. Action to expand the definition of Basic Education to include the birth to five years.


    Action to provide universal access to affordable health services for all residents of the state of Washington and to control total system expenditures with seamless coverage regardless of one’s health status.


    The League of Women Voters of Washington believes it is the responsibility of government to provide support fo conditions under which credible local journalism can survive and thrive. The League defines local news as accurate, in-depth coverage of government entities, including, but not limited to, city councils, county councils, county boards of commissioners, health departments, schools and school boards.


    Support climate goals and policies that are consistent with the best available climate science and that will ensure a stable climate system for future generations. Promote resource conservation, stewardship & long-range planning with the responsibility for managing natural resources shared by all levels of government.

State and National League Position Statements

A complete list and descriptions of the League Postitions and Action Items.